Next Laravel is not a new framework, it is just a set of principles which you can follow to build a better Laravel Application. You just need to follow the following principles, and the Application will turn into
and morehuman-readable
Route are just the same as Laravel default routes. The only difference is that we load our routes from our NextLaravelServiceProvider and of course, you can have 100% control over the routes. See more at
Modules are where we wrap our business layers into separate units. A module can have followings.
Resources under modules are not sharable
across the application and these are intended for single purpose. This means that you can only consume these resources from the same module.
Controller is Responsible for
Feature is Responsible for
Request is Responsible for
Operation is Responsible for
Job is Responsible for
Even though both of Operation and Feature are responsible for running the Job(s), there is a slight difference between them.
Operation can be useful in running a set of Jobs which will have to be run from the another Feature as well. Instead of running same Job(s) from multiple Features, we can collect those duplicate Job(s) into a single Operation
, and run that Operation from multiple Features.